Below you can read some comments about
We hope you have had a pleasant time with us!
The class has worked very hard on this project.
We enjoyed it very much and we hope to meet you again in other projects!
See you soon!
IB, Anna Frank
NACEUR: E' stato molto bello ma se si chiamava BIG MURDER eravamo ancora là!
( It was very good, but if it had been called "Big Murderers" we would have still been working!)
2 apr 2011
2 apr 2011
CHRISTIAN: Questo progetto mi è sembrato molto carino e ne vorrei fare altri.
(This project seemed very nice to me and I would like to do others)
1 apr 2011
1 apr 2011
COSTANTINO: Questo progetto mi è piaciuto molto e ne vorrei fare altri.
(I liked this project very much and I'd like to do others)
31 mar 2011
31 mar 2011
ASHRAF: E' stato un progetto meraviglioso, ma abbiamo lavorato molto. Adesso aspetto un nuovo progetto
(The project was wonderful, but we worked very hard. Now I'm waiting for a new one)
31 mar 2011
31 mar 2011
ARNEL: This project is beautiful and I aspect that we will do another project =)
30 marr 2011
MICOL: Questo è stato un bellissimo progetto,davvero,anche se sono un pò impedita ,mi sono divertita,è stata dura ma alla fine c'è la abbiamo fatta....^^
(This was a very beautiful project, really!, even if I was a bit unsure, I enjoyed it very much, it was hard but we did it!) 29 mar 2011
(This was a very beautiful project, really!, even if I was a bit unsure, I enjoyed it very much, it was hard but we did it!) 29 mar 2011
MARICA: Questo si che è stato un bel progetto!Spero che ne faremo altri cosy interessanti :)
(It was a good project, I hope to do others as interesting)
29 mar 2011
(It was a good project, I hope to do others as interesting)
29 mar 2011
DELIA: E' stato un bel progetto sono contentissima
(It was very nice, I'm very happy)
29 mar 2011
(It was very nice, I'm very happy)
29 mar 2011
SANDY: mi sto divertendo molto...e mi piaciono molto i progetti...sono contenta di partecipare e di essere arrivata fino a qua...(nei compiti e nel divertimento) grazie alla proff.ssa Bassanini
grazie mille..
(I'm enjoying it very much. I like projects very much, I'm happy to participate and getting to this point (doing homework and having fun). Thanks to my teacher, thanks a lot...
29 mar 2011
grazie mille..
(I'm enjoying it very much. I like projects very much, I'm happy to participate and getting to this point (doing homework and having fun). Thanks to my teacher, thanks a lot...
29 mar 2011
MARIEM: é stato un progetto fantastico,misterioso,divertente e interessante..spero che sia di vostro gradimento...
(It was a wonderful project, mysterious, funny and interesting...I hope you enjoy it)
29 mar 2011
(It was a wonderful project, mysterious, funny and interesting...I hope you enjoy it)
29 mar 2011
Davvero Interessanti Le Storie GIALLE. ( di omicidio )questo progetto è stato il massimo per ... rappresentare un giallo.
il mio voto è 1O. (:
(Murder stories are very interesting, the project was very useful for writing detective stories. My mark for it is 10/10!)
29 mar 2011
CRISTIAN: Fichissimissimo "little murderers",era da tanto tempo che non scrivevo così tanto e mi sono divertito fiin troppo.
(Very cool! It has been a long time since I have written so much and I had a lot of fun!)
29 mar 2011
ELISA: Sono contenta di essere partecipe a questo progetto,mi sto divertendo tanto e spero di continuare con tutti i miei lavori per arricchire sempre di più il mio profilo.
(I'm happy for having participated in this project. I'm having fun and I hope we will continue with other projects in order to make my page richer)
29 mar 2011
questo progetto l'ho trovato molto bello e interessante spero di poter fare altri progetti come questo
(I found this project interesting and very nice and I hope we will do others as interesting)
29 mar 2011
RAVENNE: A me è piaciuto tantissimo questo progetto, è molto divertente e grazie a questo progetto ho potuto usare di più la mia immaginazione liberando ancora di più la mia mente.
(I liked this project very much, it was very funny and thanks to the project I used my imagination and my brain)
28 mar 2011